Charles Madison Shelton Estate
Patrick County, Virginia
Transcribed and presented by Deborah Shelton Wood
Estate Record: Charles Madison Shelton Patrick County, Virginia
Transcribed from copy
of original document from Patrick County, Virginia Courthouse, by Deborah Shelton Wood
Final Account of: THE ESTATE
OF CHAS. M. SHELTON, DECEASED, In account with W. S. Gilbert, Admr. Dec 19 1931 Collections.....
The estate to be divided into nine original shares, under order of Circuit Court of Patrick County, entered in chancery
cause of Jathina Shelton, et als Vs. Viola Roberts, et als, at the June Term, 1932, as follows:
Jathina Shelton, widow
Nannie E Adams 1/9th
Mary S Adams 1/9th
Jennie Roberts 1/9th
George Shelton 1/9th
L Frazier 1/9th
Bert L. Morris 1/9th
Florence A Campbell 1/9th
Minnie Roberts dec'd. 1/9
left five children, to wit:
Trudie Turner 1/5th of 1/9th
Georgia Roberts 1/5th of 1/9th
Sally Winn
1/5th of 1/9th
Leila Roberts 1/5th of 1/9th
Viola Roberts, infant 1/5th of 1/9th
Check to J. S. Taylor,
Clerk for infant.
In the office of the Commissioner of Accounts of the Circuit Court of Patrick County, Virginia,
on the 11th day of May, 1933.
W. S. Gilbert, Administrator of Chas. M. Shelton, deceased, has exhibited before me,
F. P. Burton, Commissioner of Accounts, a statement of all money which he received, or became chargeable with, or disbursed,
within the period beginning on the ____day of __19_, and ending on the ___day of____. 1933, together with vouchers for disbursements;
and I have stated and settled, and now report the foregoing account of transactions of said fiduciary, showing no balance
Respectfully submitted,
F. P. Burton, Commissioner of Accounts.
At a Circuit
Court continued and held for the County of Patrick at the Courthouse therof on the 15th day of June, 1933. W. S. Gilbert,
Administrator of C. M. Shelton, deceased, final account. The settlement was this day presented to the Court, and it appearing
that no exceptions have been filed thereto in 30 days prior to the date, the same is approved and it is ordered that it be
spread on the record of fiduciary of the this Court in the Clerk's Office.
TESTE: Eva Gilbert, D. Clerk.
