
by Deborah Shelton Wood




This Indenture made and entered into this 4th day of March 1850 between Josiah Shelton and Samuel G. Staples of the first part and Andrew J. Allen of the other party, Witnesseth that whereas the said Josiah Shelton did on the 12th? day of February 1846 execute a deed of trust to the said Samuel G. Staples as trustee for the benefit Abram Staples for certain purposes therein ??? in which was conveyed a certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the county aforesaid on Mathews Creek containing two hundred and fifty six acres more or less and whereas the said Josiah Shelton hath Abram Staples the ??? trust in the deed of trust aforesaid consenting thereto sold unto the said Andrew J. Allen a certain part of the aforesaid tract of land containing sixty three acres by actual survey. Therefore for and in consideration as well of the promise, as of the same of unto Josiah Shelton in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged the said Josiah Shelton and Samuel G. Staples have granted bargained and sold and by the presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Andrew J. Allen the aforesaid part of the tract of land above mentioned containing sixty three acres as above stated and bounded as follows to wit:
Beginning at a locust on the walk leading to the curthouse thence off S70 E45 poles crossing a creek and branch to a maple N?5 E 120 poles crossing the branch and road to a black gum the north side of a path thence N60 W126 poles crossing a creek to a chestnut tree S9 W132 poles crossing the road to the beginning To have and to hold the aforesaid sixty three acres of land above described unto him the said Andrew J. Allen and his heirs forever and the said Josiah Shelton for himself his heir executors and administrators doth covenant and agree to warrant and forever defend a good and legal title on and to the part or parcel of land above conveyed to him the said A. J. Allen and his heirs forever free from the claims of himself his heirs executors or administrators and from the claims of all and every person, persons or persons whatsoever either at law or in equity And the said Samuel G. Staples doth covenant and agree to warrant and defend unto the said A. J. Allen and his heirs such title as is vested in him by virtue of the trust deed aforesaid and no other. In testimony whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the date and year above mentioned.

Josiah Shelton (seal)

Samuel G. Staples (seal)

Thos. McCabe

In Patricks clerks office 4th March 1850

This deed of conveyance Josiah Shelton and Samuel G. Staples to Andrew J. Allen was acknowledged in the clerks office by said Shelton and Staples and admitted to record.


Samuel G. Staples D. C.

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